Composite Tooth Fillings

composite tooth fillings at the dentist in plano, tx

Composite tooth fillings are a treatment used to repair tooth decay (or cavities), broken or damaged teeth, or teeth that have been worn down from misuse (such as grinding or nail-biting). If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, then Dr. Scott Thompson can provide relief and restoration at his office in Plano, TX, with composite tooth fillings.

First, the dentist will numb the affected area with a topical analgesic so that you are comfortable throughout your dental procedure. Next Dr. Thompson will clear the area of any decay and then probe or test to ensure that all the decay has been removed. Once the decay has been successfully removed, Dr. Thompson will remove the area of any bacteria or debris in order to prep your tooth for the filling.

Because Thompson Family Dentistry has in-office shade matching, Dr. Thompson is able to ensure a quality, natural looking appearance for every patient requiring cosmetic dentistry procedures.

If you have any questions about composite tooth fillings at our office in Plano, TX, or if you are ready to schedule an appointment to treat a dental condition requiring tooth fillings, please call us today. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you!